Linden Park Primary School aims to develop resilient, caring, curious and creative lifelong learners who appreciate diversity, demonstrate global citizenship and make a difference through their actions



We hope families are enjoying the new year break.
We look forward to welcoming students back to Linden Park Primary on Tuesday 28th January at 8:50am.


For detailed information, please go to our Enrolments page under Parent information. click here

Linden Park Primary School operates under a capacity management plan.

Uniform Shop Hours

  • Tuesday 21st January 9am to 1pm
  • Wednesday 22nd January 9am to 1pm
  • Thursday 23rd January 1:30pm to 4:30pm
  • Tuesday 28th January 8am to 9:15
  • Wednesday 29th January 8am to 9:15

Our New Virtual School Tour


If you have feedback or would like to meet and discuss any issues, you will find an appropriate method by following the link below.

Feedback/request a meeting