Linden Park Primary School is a zoned school operating under a Capacity Management Plan (click to view). Living in our school zone does not guarantee enrolment at the school. We do not register families outside of our school zone.
Click here to find out when your child can start school
Click here to check your zoned primary school.
Should we not have vacancies, applications for enrolment for children living in the LPPS school zone will be encouraged to remain at their current primary school, or referred for enrolment to neighbouring schools and placed on the LPPS enrolment register.
Parents whose child’s name has been placed on the enrolment register will be contacted by the school by the beginning of week 5, Term 4 (11th November 2024) if a vacancy is available for the following school year.
RECEPTION 2026 : Registrations will open 28th April 2025
ENROLMENT REGISTRATION for Reception – Year 6 in 2025
ON LINE application form: registration online form (click here)
When you have completed the online enrolment registration form, email the supporting documents listed below to:
Providing Proof of Residency
If you RENT your residence – all documents below must be provided:
- A rental agreement that covers the first 12-months at the school. As LPPS has a CMP, when families apply to attend the school their rental agreement must be current and also cover the following 12 months of the child’s first year at the school. The renting of a room does not constitute a primary place of residence. Families must rent an entire property
- A copy of your Bond Receipt, issued by Consumer and Business Services
- A current drivers license showing the same name/address details as the property.
- Current Electricity Bill: If you have only just connected electricity, please provide a copy of your welcome email from your supplier, showing name, supply address and connection date.
If you have PURCHASED your residence- all documents below must be provided:
- A copy of your Contract of Sale
- A current drivers license showing the same name/address details as the property.
- Current Electricity Bill: If you have only just connected electricity, please provide a copy of your welcome email from your supplier, showing name, supply address and connection date.
Providing Proof of Age
In addition we require :
- A copy of Child’s Birth Certificate or Passport
- A copy of your child’s visa documentation (if applicable).
VISA Details
If you have emigrated to Australia, please provide us with your Visa papers and Visa Number. If your child has limited oral and written English, we expect that they attend an Intensive English Language school to develop their English proficiency. The zoned IELC schools for Linden Park Primary School is Gillies Street Primary School & East Torrens Primary School. More information (available in different languages) can be found at Support to learn English (
Families holding Visa 457 or 482 temporary resident
Please visit the Department for Education website link for further information regarding enrolment. The school will require a copy of the ‘Letter of Confirmation’ provided by the Department for Education, to verify enrolment.
Families holding dependent visas: 500H, 500P, 500S, 500V
Please visit the Department for Education – International Education Services – website link for further information regarding enrolment. The school will require a copy of the ‘Letter of Confirmation’ to verify enrolment.
It is the responsibility of the parents applying for enrolment to be able to verify to the satisfaction of the school that the information
provided is true and factual. If a child is enrolled on the basis of false or misleading information (including residential address) the Chief Executive may direct that the child be instead enrolled at another Government school pursuant to section 63(1) of the Education and Children’s Services Act 2019.