It’s good to volunteer with us!
If you’re passionate about education and helping children, volunteering at Linden Park Primary school (LPPS) allows you to connect to the LPPS community and make a real difference!
As a LPPS volunteer, you need to do the RRHAN-EC fundamentals course and keep it current.
- All volunteers must do mandatory notification training and keep it current. The training is called Responding to Risks of Harm, Abuse and Neglect – Education and Care. RHAN-EC for short.
- This online course outlines the child protection responsibilities for volunteers and provides guidelines on protective practices.
- How volunteers access RRHAN-EC training to complete the Fundamentals course: Responding to Risks of Harm, Abuse and Neglect – Education and Care
Parents/guardians require a Working with Children Check when volunteering involves close personal contact (eg, helping a child get dressed, or go to the toilet) with a child other than your own child.
WWCC application forms are available in the front office or you can apply online directly. There is no cost if you are a volunteer.